MUVT in BUS365 is the new facilitation, desired by the city administration and AMTAB, for local public transport, which allows, at a cost of only 20 euros, to travel on all city public transport.
MUVT in BUS365 is for all residents or residents and students of the City of Bari.
With the travel planner, you can plan your trip directly online, looking at information in real time, and purchase the necessary titles for you and your family members to materialize in the MUVT APP.
It is possible to make penalty payments for travel tickets directly online or through any SISAL retail outlet.
It is possible to renew your permit for the Restricted Traffic Zone and Regulated Parking Zone directly online with the ZSR App.
In addition to MUVT APP, Smart Mobility integrates several partners with their own applications.
With MUVT applications, PDFs of the timetable booklet can be downloaded.